European Wilderness Society

New Volunteer Lika

My name is Lika, and I am a volunteer from Georgia.

I decided to volunteer at the European Wildness Society because I love nature. But after the covid and lockdown I felt like I lost connection to it. 

So, I found this organization in Tamsweg, Austria where they care and protect wilderness. 

This is the most amazing and beautiful place any nature lover can dream of. Surrounded by mountains of the Alps there is everything to feel closeness to the wilderness. 

Here you can connect to nature, go to the mountains for hiking, breathe fresh air and feel alive again.

I am very excited and proud to join the team, which is doing everything they can to protect wilderness and raise awareness about its importance. More people need to understand how important it is to save nature for our physical and mental health. 

Wilderness needs protection and I am more than happy to make a difference with European Wildness Society.

Let’s get wild!

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