WildernessWilderness Network News

Signed cooperation with Carpathian National Nature Park

The European Wilderness Society continues its cooperation with Protected Area management for the stewardship of Ukrainian Wilderness. Furthermore, we will continue supporting the Ukrainian Wilderness Advocates. As a result, the number of partners in Ukraine is growing. One of them is the Carpathian National Nature Park.

Please also read: Wilderness Audits in Ukraine

Activities in Ukraine

In the year 2018-2019, European Wilderness Society has been very active in Ukraine. For example, an overview of some of the many activities shows that we:

It is my pleasure to represent the Carpathian National Nature Park at the Wilderness Academy Days and share our Wilderness Stewardship and Visitor Management experience!

says Olena Slobodian,
scientist of Carpathain National Nature Park

Experience exchange

One of our main ongoing activities is the Wilderness Expert Exchange Programme. For instance, in May 2019, four Ukrainian protected area managers will take part in the Wilderness Academy Days. Afterwards, they will also visit the Austrian Wilderness of Kalkalpen National Park.

Renewal of cooperation with Carpathian Park

This active involvement and engagement, stimulated us to formalise our cooperation with the Carpathian National Nature Park. For example, Hoverla Wilderness is already included to the European Wilderness Network. And the park is ready to take cooperation to the next level. Therefore we are signing a new Memorandum of Understanding, to:

  • Continue on cooperation regarding stewardship of Hoverla Wilderness
  • Carry out further International Wilderness Audit at the Carpathian National Nature Park
  • Also continue cooperation regarding Wilderness Expert Exchange Programme and Wilderness capacity-building. This besides includes participation in conferences and other events.

Joint educational project

Already in 2017, European Wilderness Society successfully implemented climate change educational project jointly with the Caprathian National Nature Park and a local NGO. This park is suffering significantly from climate change and human impacts. Therefore awareness raising and introduction of effective educational tools are of high demand there.

Main outputs of the project are:

  • Climate change and Wilderness educational Journal Wild 5
  • Educational outdoor “leave no trace” tables
  • Table game “Travel through Carpathian National Nature Park”
  • Methodological brochure for teachers
  • Educational website
  • a 2-day training presentation for Ukrainian ecological educators

We are always open for cooperation and joint activities with Wilderness supporters, Ukraine is one of our priority countries!

Max A. E. Rossberg
Chairman of European Wilderness Society

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