
Slovenia also allows killing of bears and wolves

As a Wilderness advocate has informed us, Slovenia continues to allow the killing of wolves and bears. Already back in 2010 they allowed hunters to kill 75 brown bears and 12 wolves with the false argument to limit the damage they do to crops and livestock and prevent numbers of growing.

This week the Government of Slovenia stated it was permitting the killing in 2017 of 10 wolves (more than 20 per cent of the population), including 4 alpha males. This decision is supposedly based on ‘expert’ advice from the country’s forestry commisssion. However, it goes against the evidence of the EU-funded research project SloWolf which showed that killing wovles breaks up packs and leads to more attacks on livestock. With fewer than 50 wolves in the country, why do any have to be killed at all? Of course, the hunting lobby has a large influence here: at the same time 113 bears are also going to be killed. And yet both wolves and bears are protected species. David Limon

It is very clear that these killings disturb the population, increase the live stock depreciation and furthermore goes against any scientific based research. Let´s also remember that the Wolf Slavko (part of the SloWolf project) emigrated from Slovenia via Austria along the Alps to Italy and settled in the Trentino area in 2011 adding to the genetic pool of the Italian wolf populations. He now leads a wolf pack in Italy.

Wolf Slavko migration route from Slovenia to Italy via Austria in 2011
Please click to enlarge! Wolf Slavko migration route from Slovenia to Italy via Austria in 2011

It is a pattern that we see all too often across Europe. Politicians, often tied closely to the Hunting Associations fail to protect the species that are supposed to be protected by the Flora and Fauna Habitat Directive of the EU. They always use the same argument of protecting the live stock, mainly sheep. Considering that for example in the alps 99% of the dead sheep every year die due to storms, lighting, lack of oversight by shepherdess and due to the steepness of the mountains, such argument are debunked. In fact, too often the sheep owners are just too lazy to guard their sheep and typically also ignore all measures to protect their flocks. Gudrun Pflüger, Large Carnivore Specialist

Gudrun Pflueger surrounded by wolves

6 thoughts on “Slovenia also allows killing of bears and wolves

  • Yes we need to start killing humans. If this destruction of wildlife continues and the social structure collapses which is highly likely with the rise of Nazism in every country, it will unfortunately possibly be necessary in the future to kill hunters.

  • Lets make things quite clear so that there is no misunderstanding. Brown Bears and Wolves are protected under the Habitates Directive as established by the EEC/EC/EU. All member states are obliged and have given their word (for what it is worth) that they will comply with the directive. Any country who does not want to comply with E.U. Regulations and Directive should leave the European Union immediately. The Slovenian Government are liars and have deliberately allowed the illegal killing of brown bears and wolves within their country. The European Union have not made any attempt to impose penalities for this breaking of E.U. Law. I would like to know why the European Union have done nothing. Slovenia should be kicked out of the E.U. or at the very least be given a huge fine by the European Court. I have asked this question of the E.U. but have not received an answer. There is absolutly no point in making laws if they are not enforced!

  • Living in Slovenia, I believe the hunting and animal ratio is quite balanced. The numbers given are for total deaths. So if a bear is killed by a car, accident etc, the number for hunting is reduced by one. Hunters don’t get to kill the stated number. The laws for killing bears are very strict, mature breeding males are not allowed, pregnant bears, mums with cubs, hibernating bears are all protected. The bear a hunter is given permission for in an allocated amount of time, is given with a lot of thought behind it. The meat is then owned by the local hunting association. It is then available to buy. You can order bear in most restaurants.

    Slovenia also played a big part in re populating other countries with their bears. Italy was successful and the numbers are growing far faster than expected. France wasn’t so successful and I believe all the bears killed.

    I can also tell you a bear was hunted illegally in Slovenia a couple of years ago. The Slovene people where in a frenzy. Forensics was used and the perpetrator was found and prosecuted!

    I don’t know enough about the wolves to give much feedback about at this time when it comes to the rules of actually hunting. But I do know that they was almost extinct in Slovenia. The hunting associations and the government have worked together to make their numbers healthy. They have also worked a lot with some farmers to help make the farmers more friendly to the bears and wolves.

  • Hi Olga, Yesterday in German television, a pro wolf advocate asked the audience, what they would do if 30.000 people in Germany would be attacked, some of them fatally by wolves every year.. everyone replied: Shoot them all. The advocate then replied: that its interesting, that the audience is pledging to shoot every dog in Germany, because dogs are responsible for more attacks and deaths. In addition, in the Austrian Alps, we now have signs “Beware of Cows with their calves” since ever year hikers are sometimes even fatally attacked by cows if hikers get to close to their calves. No-one is calling of the killing of the cows, but image a single hiker would be killed by a bear mother protecting her cubs…

    Wild Regard Max Rossberg

  • This is very disturbing news indeed; it is like the killing of elephants or lions in Africa because of soms damage.
    How much damage does our species do to the planet; do we need to start killing people therefore??

  • Combined with the impact of the anti-refugess fences along the borders with Croatia and the killing of wolves in Italy, this is very bad news. It seems that the hunting community and livestock growers holds far too much power.

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