Sustainable Tourism

Smart tourism workshop in Austria

Smartourism is becoming more and more popular and needed nowadays. Adaptation to new challenges and demands, digitalization, cultural heritage and inclusion of sustainable development principals are the elements, which need to be included into the successful tourism practices. Therefore, education of future professionals on smart tourism is really important.

Please also read: SMARTOUR project updates

Fulfilling such knowledge demand, this fall European Wilderness Society conducted a practical workshop for international youth group on Smart tourism. This practical workshop consisted of three main parts:

  • Introduction and brainstorming
  • Excursion to the museum and practical tasks
  • Wrap up and conclusions.

Introduction and brainstorming

During the workshop we brainstormed with the youth group on what is tourism? What is important for successful tourism? Why it makes sense to introduce smart tourism and what are its elements? We also discussed in details main elements of smart tourism and why they are important:

  • Digitalization
  • Accessibility
  • Cultural Heritage and Creativity
  • Sustainability
  • Cooperation and marketing.

Youth group also received an introduction about Transnational Smartour Erasmus + project, where European Wilderness Society is the partner.

Excursion: from history to modern tools

Of course, it is always efficient to have a practical exercise after theoretical discussion. Therefore, our youth had a chance to visit an ancient museum in the castle, where they could learn not only the history and culture of Austria, but also test modern audio guides and other tools of digital interaction with visitors. Beside that we also pointed and discussed with future specialists other elements of smart tourism, including accessibility.

Wrap up and conclusions

After the workshop participants provided positive feedback about this event. Particularly, now they will remember main elements of smart tourism and will consider them in their possible future work, which might be connected with tourism and sustainable development.

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