Wilderness Policy

Youth Green Conference 2019 launched!

This year, the European Wilderness Society starts a number of the new projects. This was possible due to intensive work and strong partnership in different European countries.

One of these projects is the Youth Green Conference 2019, an international educational project. This project is supported financially by the Erasmus+ Programme, under priority of dialogues between young people and decision-makers.

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Addressing Youth Goal: Sustainable Green Europe

Europe is facing bigger environmental challenges than ever before. Therefore, the importance of addressing these challenges is also reflected in the EU Youth Strategy. In September 2018, the 6th and final EU Youth Conference in Vienna resulted in the outcome of 11 Youth Goals. And among them is Goal #10 ‘Sustainable Green Europe’. Especially this Youth Goal includes the current concerns of the young Europeans regarding sustainability, environmental protection and nature conservation.

Educating next generation European decision-makers about environment is the best investment into our green future!

Max A. E. Rossberg
Chairman of the European Wilderness Society

Learning by doing

For the Youth Green Conference 2019, a group of Austrian and Ukrainian youngsters, accompanying persons, experts and decision-makers will meet together in Austria. During the 3-day conference, participants will experience a lot of body & brain exercises and a field trip into the natural surroundings. The youngsters, aged 13-18, will learn more about wide variety of topics, including sustainable nature protection, “green” legislation, jobs and volunteering, sustainable travel, ecosystem services, and Respect Nature. This will be done through different kinds of non-formal educational exercises that motivate participants to learn by doing. Together, the participants will discuss in English the common challenges and possible solutions, as well as steps towards – sustainable Green Future for Europe.

The conference will end with a World Café and big group podium discussion for the youth to engage in dialogues with decision-makers. Especially this will help them to find achievable solutions and formulate action goals. Not only do the youngsters acquire knowledge on complex topics, but they also will learn from experienced professionals. This direct communication and interaction provides the participants with a possibility to search for solutions together. The Youth Green Conference 2019 will take place in an old castle for youngsters, called Burg Finstergrün from October 7th to 9th, 2019.

Austrian-Ukrainian partnership

European Wilderness Society and our Ukrainian partner, the Agency for Sustainable Development of the Carpathian Region “FORZA” are jointly implementing this project. Both partners have extensive experience in educational projects and activities for youth and adults. And this includes of course both indoor and outdoor actions. Besides, both project partners are also making a great contribution to the greener future of Europe.

Recent activities

We are now reaching out to potential participants and visiting educational institutions in Austria and Ukraine. This is aiming to promote the opportunity to participate in the Youth Green Conference 2019. More information will follow soon!

Are you interested to learn more about the possibilities to organise projects like this, in cooperation with the European Wilderness Society, contact us directly.

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