Areas of Inspiration Plein Air Art project started

EWS - WILDArt Areas of Inspiration -14049_ © Copyright
EWS – WILDArt Areas of Inspiration -14049_ © Copyright

Machaon International, the Slovak Association of Nature Conservation, invited the European Wilderness Society together with AnnoGallery and Obec Ganovce from Slovakia, the National Institute of Folk Culture and MAS Straznicko from Czechia, Muusa Kapriis MTU from Estonia and the National Park Synevir and Museum-reserve Tustan in the Ukraine for the implementation of the international cultural project.

The main idea of the project is to encourage mobility of artists and creative people into the countryside as a source of their inspiration, while at the same time making use of their creative work to enhance local development (tourism), nature conservation and cultural heritage through international collaboration and promotion of the beauties of wild nature and rich folk culture of rural areas through works of art. The European Wilderness Society will host a WILDArt, a Plein Air Art event in the Synevyr Wilderness. Selected works of the artists will then be presented in several galleries in regional and international European Cities.

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