Sustainable Tourism

Celebrate World Tourism Day-2023

Since 1980 on 27th of September the World Tourism Day is traditionally celebrated. The Day was launched by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). The World Tourism Day is meant to spread awareness about the importance of tourism and its impact on our society.

This year the theme of the World Tourism Day 2023 is “Tourism and green investments”.

Today the UNWTO Executive Director, Natalia Bayona, will hold a presentation “Setting a scene and presentation of UNWTO’s Global Tourism Investment Framework”. She will present a new tourism investment approach and framework around Investing in People (education) – Planet (sustainability). It also includes Prosperity (youth and innovation), while highlighting the recent global and regional trends and outlook of tourism investments post COVID.

One of the sessions aims to discuss the current state of play of traditional and non-traditional investments related to tourism within the context of sustainable infrastructure development, hospitality sector and the green transformation and how the travel and tourism startup ecosystem could support and accelerate the green transition of the sector.

And, of course, further development of Smart tourism should be taken into account.

Smart tourism

At present time Smart tourism becoming more and more demanded. It includes digitalization, cultural heritage and creativity, sustainability, as well as accessibility and is constantly upscaled. Therefore, awareness raising and educational programs on smart tourism play an important role.

More and more European cities apply smart tourism and there are a lot of examples and case studies to share and follow.

SMARTOUR Erasmus + project

Smartour Erasmus+ project partners are also celebrating the World Tourism Day and contributing to the smart tourism further development in  Europe. At present they are finalising work on the educational materials developemnt and starting planning number of educational events to be organised in different European countries. Among them trainings, workshops and conferences as well as launch of the open-source learning management system.

Celebrate World Tourism Day with us and apply smart tourism in your professional and private life!


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