FREE to watch episode 50: Problematic baiting in wolf territory
One commonly used hunting technique in the Calanda region is ‘baiting’. The baiting stations are placed to attract foxes for shooting, but can also attract other wildlife. Problems arise when people decide to place bating stations just 50 meters away from sheep herds or human settlement.
That wolves can at times be seen near town or settlement, shouldn’t be seen as problematic per se. There can be many reasons for their appearances.
Exclusive: watch episode 50 now!
The year-long series ‘Once around the Sun with the Calanda wolves’ is almost coming to and end. Peter Dettling shows us in this free-to-watch episode the highlights of his 3-year long research in the Swiss Calanda region. Join his adventure in the region of the famous Calanda wolves and the wildlife surrounding it. The series will publish a new episode every week available in English and Deutsch.
European Wilderness Society can exclusively share episode 50 with our Wilderness Advocates around the world. Make sure you watch it now! Below you find the episode in English and German:
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