Wilderness Network NewsWILDForest

Kuziy Tribushany WILDForest Brief

We are publishing a new Wilderness Brief about Kuziy-Trybushany WILDForest, Ukraine. This is a short report with information about the Wilderness area, biodiversity and tourism opportunities in the region.

What is a WILDForest?

A WILDForest is a Wilderness area composed predominantly of forest. In this case, Kuziy-Trybushany WILDForest is mostly old-growth beech forest. This is the landscape that once covered the majority of continental Europe, but is now limited to a few rare fragments. Many of these fragments, including Kuziy-Trybushany WILDForest, are also part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site – Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe.

For more information about Kuziy-Trybushany WILDForest, please read and download the Brief below:

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