European Wilderness Society

Unique livestock protection LIFE project submitted

UPDATE: The project has been invited to submit a Full Proposal by February 2020.

As we know, the return of the wolf in the Alps comes with challenges. Challenges for livestock farmers, who are worried that their livelihood is threatened by the presence of the predatory wolf. Different examples proof that implementation of proper livestock protection measures lower the risk of livestock depredation. Mutual coexistence is the key for wolf conservation measures in Europe in accordance with the FFH directive. For the first time ever, a coalition of the biggest agricultural farming association supported by the academic sector and nature conservation organisations, as well as livestock protection experts in the predominantly German-speaking Alps have now submitted a LIFE project.

Human-livestock-wolf coexistence

BIO AUSTRIA Niederösterreich & Wien, the largest association for organic farming in Austria, together with the farmer associations from Italy and Germany, represent over 20.000 bio-organic farmers that have to deal with conflicting needs of the producing farming community and consuming urban society on a regular basis and especially concerning the wolf. Acting on the demands of their members, these organisations want to achieve a mutual coexistence between livestock farmers and wildlife.

Herdenschutz Tirol - © All rights reserved
Herdenschutz Tirol – © All rights reserved

Strong and diverse partnership

That is why BIO AUSTRIA, actively supported by the European Wilderness Society and many other partners, has submitted an innovative and unique LIFE project idea. The project will proactively explore and demonstrate that implementation of proper livestock protection measures is in the alpine regions of Europe possible.

The project has a strong consortium of partners and supporters in the Alpine region of Bavaria, South Tyrol and Austria. The partnership further includes environmental organisations, research and educational partners, tourism and livestock protection experts.

Project idea up for evaluation

The partnership submitted this project idea for evaluation to the LIFE programme last week. The project main components will focus on testing and demonstrating effective livestock protection measures. Most importantly, it is the farmers’ associations that train their members how to use livestock protection measures properly. Education activities will target youth, professionals and the general public to show why livestock protection is necessary and possible. Furthermore, the project will initiate an ambassador programme to promote livestock protection and coexistence with large carnivores in the Alps.

Interested to contribute?

The evaluation will take place later this year, after which the partners will develop  a full proposal. There is still a possibility for new partners to join. So, if your organisation would like to join this project in the German speaking Alps of Austria, German and Italy, please fill out the contact form below. 

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