
Join Youth Charter for Environment!

To contribute to the achieving of the European Youth Goal #10 : Sustainable Green Europe, Transnational group of Youth Green Conference young participants developed the Youth Charter for Environment and invites to implement it together!

Youth Green Charter: what, how and why? 

Youth Charter for Environment is a collective paper, prepared by the transnational youth group throughout the implementation of the Erasmus+ Youth Green Conference project. Inspired by the different indoor and outdoor activities, as well as by communication with experts and mentors during the Youth Green Conference in September, 2022, youngsters finalized and signed the Charter.

In this post get to know more about details, challenges, and success. 

How the Charter was created? 

During the implementation of the Youth Green Conference 2-year project youngsters from 5 countries submitted their concerns about environmental issues in the world and in particularly in Europe. Based on the submitted by youngsters´ applications to join the Conference and further preparatory actions, 9 main concerns were identified. Among them:

  • Deforestation
  • Food waste
  • Not enough awareness for future generations
  • Ecological farming
  • Pollution of water recourses
  • Plastic garbage
  • Extinction of animal species
  • People don’t spend much time in nature
  • Increase the usage of bikes and public transport

These concers became the basis of Youth Charter for Environment creation.

On the first day of the conference, youngsters joint a session about teamwork and Charter development. Nine volunteers from 5 different countries became the group leaders and chose the concern, on which they planned to work further on. Afterward, all other participants of the Conference were free to join the group that appealed to them the utmost.

During the 5 days of the Conference youngsters had an opportunity to learn a lot about different environmental topics such as climate change, waste management, forest and habitat value, mobility, wilderness and wildlife, river pollution etc. This knowledge they included to the Youth Charter for Environment.

Every next day groups contributed to the Charter development and strengthened their communication and cooperation.

The presentation of the work was planned for the final day of the Conference and teams had time every day to work on their part of the Charter. The main task was to identify concerns, decide on demands, and propose solutions. Additionally, the channels of spreading the word and clear call to action were in the scope of work. Youth groups did a really amazing job!

Creative Component

To make the task of creating the document more attractive and draw attention of decision-makers and experts we added part of the creative presentation. Our creative mentor and artist, Birgitta Wahler, showed different technics that can be used for presentations.

Delegates tried themselves in scribble movies, graphic design, voice recording, poetry, live performance, and video making. One of the groups even used natural materials, manul work and no digital tools! It was a great pleasure to see how young enthusiasts talents are opening in such a short period.

Final presentations

The closing part was one of the most important. Creative presentations were meant to impress experts, motivate them to join youth initiatives to make a difference!

Presenters were excited and they handled it well. Each group got a huge round of applause and discussion on the topics with decision-makers and each other lasted for quite a time.

Inform yourself about Youth Charter for Environment, spread the word and join its implementation to make a difference!

Be aware and take care!

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