European Wilderness SocietyUkraine

Erasmus+ Youth Green Conference goes on!

We are glad to announce that despite Covid-19 challenges Erasmus+ Youth Green Conference 2022 (YGC 2022) project continues! We had to reschedule the event conduction from 2021 to 2022. But communication of partners continued simultaneously. In this Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project, 60 youngsters from Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Ukraine will take part and exchange their environmental experience and ideas.

Virtual partner meeting

On 24th of February project partners met virtually to agree on further steps and activities of the project. The European Wilderness Society managed the meeting with the project partners: Dominicus-von-Linprun-Gymnasium Viechtach (Germany), Eliante Onlus (Italy), Zavod Revivo (Slovenia), and NGO FORZA(Ukraine). During the meeting partners discussed practical details and planning of the Youth Green Conference 2022, scheduled from 25th of September until 01st of October 2022. The YGC 2022 will take place in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Lungau, Austria.

Youth Green Conference 2022

During five days of the YGC 2022 youngsters from 5 European countries will participate in a wide range of non-formal and informal educational activities arranged by project partners. Here, we will be discussing together and exchanging experiences on such topics as sustainabilityclimate change, green future of Europe, youth action and other environmental issues. The international character of the event will also provide youngsters a possibility to practice speaking a foreign (English) language and foster solidarity and respectful understanding towards fellow youngsters from different countries. 

Moreover, youngsters will also have a chance to meet and talk to VIP guests, such as decision makers, nature conservationists, youth green leaders and artists and to develop European Youth Charter for the Environment.

European Youth Charter for the Environment 

European Youth Charter for the Environment is the chance of the European youngsters to express their concerns and ideas about climate change, sustainability and youth actions. The Charter will be developed by youth for youth and shared and with EU decision makers to make a difference.

Call for Applications

On the beginning of March project partners also launched call for Applications for young participants of the YGC 2022. In such a way, participants of 13-18 years old, who know English well, are interested in the environment, green jobs, sustainable development and youth action have a chance to apply and join the YGC 2022.

Advanced Planning Visit

During the partner meeting partners also scheduled the Advanced Planning Visit. This visit is meant for partners to meet in person at the place of the YGC 2022 conduction in Lungau region. During this 2-day event partners will visit the locations of the YGC 2022, introduce group leaders and finalize the detailed preparation of the YGC 2022.


Project partners very much concern regarding the war in Ukraine. But we all still hope and have a plan how to make Ukrainian youngsters to join the YGC 2022 and exchange their green experiences!

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