
Exclusive episode 14: First sight of Calanda wolves

The series ‘Once around the Sun with the Calanda wolves’ started in early March on World Wildlife Day. In the following 52 weeks, a new episode will become available in English and Deutsch.

Please also read: Once around the Sun with the Calanda Wolves: A Web documentary of the famous Swiss wolf-pack

Exclusive: watch episode 14 now!

In the previous episodes you can see how Peter became fascinated by the Calanda region, where the first Swiss wolf pack established. He takes us along through the history of wolves in Switzerland, as well as the forces of nature that play an important role there. In this weeks’ episode, we are witnessing Peter’s first glimpse of the Calanda wolves. It is the time of the year where wolves start looking for mates. Could this wolf be looking for his partner? Watch the episode with us!

We can share episode 14 exclusively and for free with our Wilderness Advocates around the world. Make sure you watch it now! Below you find the episode in English and German:

I silently wished this young wolf good luck on his dangerous journey…

Peter Dettling

Curious to watch the rest of the series? Go to Peter’s Vimeo homepage English or Deutsch and purchase the full series there. You can watch previously published episodes back at any time, and receive updates on the new episode weekly.

Read more about the next exclusive free episode here.

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