Global Family of the Wilderness Societies!
The European Wilderness Society is part of a global family of the Wilderness Societies. Each society has a specific history but what links them all is the objective to protect global Wilderness! Let’s have a closer look at them.
The Wilderness Society (U.S.)
The American Wilderness Society is an non-profit organization that is dedicated to protecting America’s last remaining Wilderness and inspiring Americans to care for wild places. They focus primarily on public lands by advocating for the creation of federally designated Wilderness areas. The organization was instrumental in the passage of the 1964 Wilderness Act. This bedrock conservation act created the National Wilderness Preservation System that protects nearly 50 million ha of unspoiled U.S. wildlands from Alaska to Florida.
The Australian Wilderness Society (Australia)
The Australian Wilderness Society is a community-based, not-for-profit non-governmental environmental advocacy organisation. Its purpose is to protect, promote and restore Wilderness and natural processes across Australia for the survival and ongoing evolution of life on Earth. The Wilderness Society was formed initially as a protest group called The Tasmanian Wilderness Society and later on became known as The Wilderness Society.
The European Wilderness Society
The European Wilderness Society (EWS) was founded in 2014 to help protect Europe’s Wilderness. The mission of the Society is to identify, designate, assist in the management and promote Europe’s Wilderness, the continent’s most undisturbed areas of nature. European Wilderness Society vision is to achieve the ultimate goal of 5% Wilderness in Europe. European Wilderness Society is a membership based organisation with a focus on Wilderness areas, tourism businesses and Wilderness advocates.
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) was founded in 1963 to help protect Canada‘s Wilderness. CPAWS has a membership of nearly 15,000, and 13 local chapters across Canada. CPAWS vision is to keep at least half of Canada’s public land and water wild — forever focusing on protecting many important areas of Canada’s Wilderness with a focus on the Boreal forest, the Eastern Woodlands, Yellowstone to Yukon corridor, Marine and Ocean, etc.
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