Wilderness in Albania and Romania!
“Damned Mountains (Prokletije) and Maramures Mountains – expeditions to Wilderness”, is the name of photo exhibition about Albanian and Romanian Mountains, opened recently at the Czech University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Prague.
Talented photographer Ondrej Kameniar is presenting fragment of his experience from several expeditions to these wild corners of Europe.
In some parts of Europe, usually remote and not easy accessible, we can still find extensive areas of old-growth forest, road-less land and spectacular landscape, simply – Wilderness. This exhibition is about these mysterious spots where people can still experience European Wilderness…
said author of this exhibition Ondrej Kameniar.
…and the main message of this exhibition project is build up awareness about importance of Wilderness for Europeans!
added Martin Mikoláš, partner of this project during discussion with Vlado Vancura, from European Wilderness Society.
So do not forget, the exhibition will be open and accessible to the public to the June 2017!
European Wilderness Society is fully aware about Wilderness value of this spots and so is planning Quick-Audits of several areas in these countries.
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