The Advanced Planning visit of the Youth Green Conference-2022 in Lungau.
In May, with the support of the Erasmus + Programme, European Wilderness Society hosted the Advanced Planning visit of the Youth Green Conference-2022 in Lungau. International team of the Youth Green Conference-2022 joint the event and is ready to let you know what happened there.
For this year Conference project partners are:
- European Wilderness Society, Austria
- Dominicus-von-Linprun-Gymnasium Viechtach, Germany
- Eliante Onlus, Italy
- Zavod Revivo, Slovenia
- Agency for the sustainable development of the Carpathian Region “FORZA”, Ukraine
Partners came to Lungau to work further on the future Conference program and look closer to locations for workshops, activities as well as to share ideas. AAlso, we as young eco-activists from our partner countries, who will come together with other mates for the 5-dayConference in September supported the planning. On the arrival day, partners had a joint dinner and reviewed presentation of the Advanced Planning Visit Agenda, made by the European Wilderness Society.
1st full Day: Long forest walks and active discussions
The first day started at 9 am by inhaling fresh air in the forest while the whole delegation walked along the Longa River trail. All partners had an opportunity get to know more about biodiversity in the region and complete the mushroom quest by finding and recognizing different kinds of mushrooms on signs along the trail.
Conference preparation team also visited Sustainable tourism office, local Wood processing unit, Heating facility, Water power plant and touristic places.
With all that inspiration from the nature of the biosphere reserve Lungau, the conference team came back to chalet in Mariapfarr and continued started at the detailed planning about the future Conference program.

Youth in action
Let us remind that during Youth Green Conference-2022 sixty youngsters from 5 countries will spend 5 days exploring ways to become actively involved in their local society to help mitigate climate change and save environment. In the end, they will form and sign the Youth Charter for the Environment as a guideline for their action and future projects.
Besides, youngsters from different countries will improve their knowledge of English, using this international event opportunity.
It was crucially important for the partner NGOs to hear the opinion of youngsters on planned activities and formats to make the program interesting and useful. In such a way we could support a lot!
2d full Day: History of Lungau, ziplining, and sum up of agenda
What a life without a good fun? The second day started to form the visit to the youth hostel, where all delegates will stay in September. Then the conference team moved to Outdoor Park. TThere we young guests tried one of the planned activities and overcame the fear to bravely zipline above the lake. So, all organizations ensured that future Conference defiantly will include enough fun and joy!
Then we met representatives of the Biosphere Reserve Lungau. In such a way, Conference’s delegates will have an opportunity to hear more about the unique nature of the region and interaction with local communities. And after the productive conversation, it was time to get closer to the history. The conference team visited the castle in Mautendorf where cultural and agricultural history of the Lungau is explained. The historical trip ended on the Witch trail near Tamsweg, where we learnt, that also climate change made the people desperate and they looked for someone to blame for the suffering. For now, all partners have enough scary stories to tell them near the fireplace during the Conference.
It was also very exciting to watch inspiring video applications, made by youngsters of each participating country. In the video youngsters describe their interests, environmental actions and experience as well as their interest to join the Youth Green Conference in September.
In the evening the Conference team summed up all their notes, plans, actions and needed resources. The joint dinner was the perfect ending for visit brainstorming and further actions.

We hope you also get motivated by our pictures and stories.
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