European Wilderness Society

Webinar: From deforestation to protection – Forests in Europe

In this webinar, forest expert Vlado Vancura will talk about how forests were used in Europe over the last 2000 years.

Starting with the question of why Europe lost forests many many years ago, he will look at the consequences of this massive deforestation and end his presentation with a positive outlook on forest protection in Europe nowadays.

When I started my career in forestry, I thought I will spend my life working in the woods and talking about trees and forests, the focus has changed over the years with the anthropogenic climate change still, knowledge about the history of forests is very crucial for the future.

Vlado Vancura
Vlado Vancura
Forest expert

Date: Thursday, 23 June 2022

Time: 13.00 – 14.00

Language: German and English

Format: online and free of charge

After the presentation there will be time for discussion.

We look forward to an exciting webinar and a lively exchange!

After the presentation, there will be space for questions and discussion. We look forward to your participation and an interesting exchange!

4 thoughts on “Webinar: From deforestation to protection – Forests in Europe

  • Hello, you can watch the recorded event on the European Wilderness Society YouTube channel

  • Is it possible to watch the registration of the event? Thank you

  • Hi Kate! It should work now, please try again to register. Thanks for letting us know.

  • I would love to attend, but when I click the link to register after logging into my Zoom account, I receive the error message “Invalid meeting ID. (3,001)” Are others having success?

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