European Wilderness SocietyUkraine

Youth Green Fest is finally conducted in Ukraine!

On 7th of August Youth Green Festival, UzhGreenFest, finally took place in Uzhhorod, Ukraine. The Festival is one of the follow up activities of Ukrainian Youth Wilderness Group, which participated in the in the Youth Green Conference 2019 in Austria. European Wilderness Society is a leading partner of the same-named project UzhGreenFest. The Festival was conducted in the framework of this project, which is co-financed by the British Council and Uzhhorod City Council.

Please also read: UzhGreenFest goes ahead

Project aim and implementation

UzhGreenFest project aims at facilitating youth eco-habits as well as their motivation to spend time outdoors more frequently, by initiating Youth Green Festival (UzhGreenFest) in Uzhhorod in 2020.

Instead of the initial planned 3 months, the project duration was prolonged for almost 5 months due to Covid-19 restrictions. Involved youngsters were ready to wait as long as needed to be able to communicate at a physical event, instead of an alternative online event. Fortunately, this additional months made a project team stronger and additional knowledge was gained.

Respect nature

In such a way on 23rd June, UzhGreenFest organizational committee met in Pidzamkovyy park, the main location of the Festival. We discussed why it is important to Respect Nature and what the tips are for that. Besides we installed the plate with Respect Nature principles in a prominent place at the park.

Respect Nature became one of four main topics of UzhGreenFest. Jointly with youngsters we discussed:

  • what does it mean to Respect Nature
  • how can we minimize our impact while visiting nature
  • how we can reduce human-nature conflicts etc.

Majority of participants said that for them to respect nature means keep it clean and leave no trace on it.

Since I am a future lawyer, respect nature for me is to create legislative framework to treat it properly!

Nazar Petryshyn,
student of Juridical department of Uzhhorod National University


More than 30 youngsters participated in the UzhGreenFest. Beside Respect Nature they also gained knowledge and interacted on such Festival locations as:

  • Tree value
  • Pack the backpack
  • Sustainable refreshment.

We also talked about sustainable transport, such as bicycle and railway. Participants enjoyed an event and expressed willingness to participate in UzhGreenFest in 2021.

Youth Green Manifest

An integral part of the Festival was delivery to Uzhhorod City Council Head a Youth Green Manifest and discussion with the city decision-makers green future of Uzhhorod and outdoor recreation for youngsters.

Local authorities are ready to implement Manifest points jointly with youth!!

resumed Bohdan Andriyiv,
Uzhhorod City Council Head

Next steps

Youngsters are ready to join the Manifest points implementation. And are already drafting a new project proposal on that.

We hope there will be a lot of to present and share during Youth Green Conference-2021! Besides as it is written in the manifest and supported by youngsters, Respect Nature further implementation should take place further in Ukraine!

Iryna Shchoka,
Project Manager at European Wilderness Society

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