European Wilderness Society

Final Event EFI-IFSA-IUFRO Global student networking and green jobs in the forest sector

The forest sector has been facing significant changes over the years including globalization, digitalization, changing societal demands and climate change. Thus, the nature of employment in this sector is shifting. Occupational demands keep changing, and the newly evolving “green jobs” promote sustainable development as well as the general well-being of the people. For students, the future decision-makers, these developments offer a broader potential professional spectrum, and they will need adequate training to be equipped with the skills required for the new jobs. In addition to this, the extent of the changes in employment, as well as the level of preparedness of students, are not known as of now.

The “Global student networking and green jobs in the forest sector” project

The project Global student networking and green jobs in the forest sector, a joint EFIIFSAIUFRO capacity building project financed by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), started in 2018 to investigate the transforming employment trends in the forest sector while putting a special focus on the perspective of students and recent graduates from around the world. The project has also further explored ways to prepare future foresters for the expected changes. After three very intense years, during which several international activities were carried out, the project now comes to an end and will present its conclusive outcomes to the wider public.

The final conference

The conference is taking place online on Thursday, 7th April 2022 March 2022 from 14:00 until 15:30 UTC+2. The language of the conference will be English. The aims of the event will be as follows:

  • To show case the behind-the-scenes of the tasks carried out by the project team and disseminate the outputs from the project.
  • To highlight how the ambitious goals of the project were executed.
  • To share the significant progress and contributions the project has made to the understanding of the trends in the global forest sector labour market including green jobs.
  • To allow the audience to know how the project facilitated communication and networking by speaking at various international conferences, organizing workshops, publications, and working with diverse stakeholders globally, from students to lecturers, top scientists and forest-related employers, and organizations working on similar topics and projects.

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