12th meeting of the Carpathian Convention Implementation Committee
On November 18-19, 2021 the 12th meeting of the Carpathian Convention Implementation Committee (12th CCIC) took place. Considering recent COVID-19 situation, an event took place in a hybrid format: onsite in Krakov, Poland and online.
12th CCIC overview
The following updates took place during 12th CCIC:
- Report on status of ratification of the Protocols to the Carpathian Convention and the Article 12bis by the Depositary
- Implementation of the Carpathian Convention. Participants reviewed and discussed Convention Progress Report. Moreover, it included ongoing and planned activities. Reports of Working groups Chairs and projects presentation were done. Moreover, the latest information on the Carpathian Strategy development was given and discussed.
One of the highlights of the event was the Workshop on strengthening networks within the Carpathian Convention. And of course, the Centalparks, as a flagship project, and its achievements were mentioned many times during 12th CCIC.
Joint session
As a part of the 12th CCIC Joint Session of the Carpathian Convention and the Centrum GRID/Warsaw took place. During this session participants reviewed Carpathian projects and initiatives dedicated to the enhancement of biodiversity, ecological connectivity, traditional land use, spatial management and sustainable local development. Moreover, they identified synergies and potential for further application, replication and transfer of results and outputs, developed solutions, and best practices – in the trans-national context of the whole Carpathians. All these meant to contribute to the effective implementation of the Carpathian Convention.
Support events
In 2021 various initiatives and events were conducted in order to support the implementation of the Carpathian Convention. Among them:
- 5th Forum Carpaticum
- Conference “Protected Areas – Cornerstones of Ecological Connectivity in the Carpathians and Beyond”
- 3rd CNPA Conference “A new age for the CNPA network”.
Results of these events were presented on the 12th CCIC.
CNPA Steering Committee meeting
On November 18th within the 12th CCIC, the meeting of Carpathian Network of protected Areas (CNPA) Steering Committee took place. The meeting agenda consisted of:
- Short report on the 3rd CNPA Conference
- Consideration of the recommendations, prepared by the Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention
- Update of the CNPA contact list
- Centralpark and its connection with CNPA, project´s final conference
- Conclusion and next steps, including communication strategies
We recommend to consider the establishment of the thematic working groups within the CNPA which should focus on substantive work of the Network.

European Wilderness Society´s involvement
The European Wilderness Society is an active contributor to the Carpathian Convention implementation. Beside our partnership in important Carpathian projects such as Centralparks and BEECH POWER, we are also active participants of the numerous Working Groups meetings. Among other, we are supporting biodiversity conservation, Carpathian Protected Areas and the further development of sustainable tourism in the Carpathians and therefore, the European Wilderness Society:
- is continuously developing and implementing educational programmes for youth, adults and professionals
- established the website of Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Platform
- developed and further integrating Respect Nature initiative in Carpathians and is continuing translation and dissemination of its poster into different languages
- works on the new CNPA website
- is supporting activities of the successful comeback of the large carnivores to Europe, including the Carpathian region.
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