European Wilderness Society

European Wilderness Society verified by VCA

The European Wilderness Society has been accepted by the Verified Conservation Areas (VCA) Council as an auditor. The European Wilderness Society will provide expert guidance on establishing Wilderness areas, exploring VCA opportunities across Europe, and offering VCA Auditor services for area managers. The VCA also accepted the European Wilderness Quality System as the standard for Wilderness area verifications.

The European Wilderness Society through a detailed management audit defines which criteria of the European Wilderness Quality Standard the Wilderness area meets and where improvement is needed. The European Wilderness Quality Standard was developed on the basis of the European Wilderness definition as defined in the Working definition of European Wilderness and Wild Areas, the input of the European Wilderness Advisory Board, numerous scientists and the feedback of several Wilderness advocates and specialists.

Seven protected areas from Austria, Albania, Romania, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries have already applied to be audited and certified as a European Wilderness.

More information on the Definition of Wilderness.

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