Wilderness Network News

Respect nature interpretation trail and excursion!

We have a great news from Ukraine, where dedicated protected areas employees are continuing their great job. Particularly environmental educators are carrying on activities outdoors and applying further Respect Nature concept! Furthermore the very first interpretation trail “Respect Nature” was opened recently at the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve (CBR) and was already tested by the local Junior Rangers Club.

Environmental education at CBR

European Wilderness Society has a long-term cooperation with the CBR. One of the main cooperation directions is environmental education. CBR comprises numerous unique Wilderness, members of the European Wilderness Network. Besides, Reserve is surrounded by many settlements and is highly visited.  Therefore respectful behaviour towards nature as well as informal education are critically important to be implemented here.

Interpretation trail

CBR and European Wilderness Society had been planning to establish the Respect Nature interpretation trail for already several years.

This trail was established under the leadership of Victoria Bundziak, head of CBR´s environmental education department in the framework of the project “Respect nature: learn and teach”. The project is running under the Green Partnership Program programme, implemented by the Charitable Foundation “Center for Community Initiatives” with the financial support of the US Forest Service.

Interpretation trail contains:

  • 4 different „Respect nature“ signs, designed by the European Wilderness Society
  • Interactive stand «What can you leave in the forest?» and “Find home”
  • Insect hotel with different tables, which can be changed
  • signposts.

Outdoor excursion

On this sunny day Junior Rakhiv Rangers were very excited to visit a trail and in informal way to talk about Respect nature. They tried out all the interactive stands and went through the Respect Nature principals. It turned out they knew a lot, just the knowledge needed to become more structured.

Junior rangers also received eco-gifts, which will help them further develop their environmental habits and show their mates how to respectfully treat nature. Furthermore, one of the best impressions was to an eatable plate, which lieaves no trace.

Great job! We are very grateful to representatives of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, who systematically conduct different environmental activities with the students of our institution.

Maria Tyshkovska

Follow up

Immediately after the excursion CBR received a lot of positive feedback. And many people, including educators expressed their interest to visit the Reserve as well as “Respect nature” interpretation trail with their young students.

We hope this interpretation trail and professional CBR´s educators will teach many more youngsters and adults how to respect nature.

Soon environmental educators will also receive a Respect Nature manual, which will provide them more tools how to teach their audience about this concept.

Teach your children well…. great to see kids out learning about nature on a bright sunny day

Garry Oye
Former Chief of Wilderness for the US National Parks, friend of European Wilderness Society and CBR

We are grateful for photo and impressions shared by Victoria Bundziak from CBR.

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