Wilderness Policy

Why virgin forests in Romania can be legally cut!

Mihail Hanzu is  for fifteen years working in forestry, mostly in Romania, including here five years of study for diploma – where he was the first in his class with average grade 9,79 from maximum 10. After that he spent 3,5 years for his PhD. Currently he works in forest research and during all his professional life he was involved in professional’s forest protection organizations. One of his best personal achievements is that he is seen as forests with knowledge of forestry all over Europe.

There is no place in The European Union where the destruction of the last virgin forests and Wilderness takes place at such high rate and extension, as it is happening in Romania right now.

Mihail Hanzu

In 2004 the official area covered by virgin forests was more than 400 000 ha. In 2017 the area has decreased to less than 200 000 ha, with no official comprehensive and reliable record. The reasons for this dramatic situation are diverse, ranging from law-enforcement and economical to socio-historical ones.

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